24/7 Sobriety Monitoring Programs Resource Center
24/7 Sobriety Programs address repeat drunk driving and other alcohol-related offenses by separating participants from the root cause of their crimes: alcohol. Frequent and regular alcohol testing is at the core of the 24/7 Program model, and those who skip tests or test positive for alcohol are subject to swift and certain sanctions.
Every single DUI client is supervised for alcohol consumption with alcohol monitoring technology like SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring and SCRAM Remote Breath to help promote compliance and accountability.
Transdermal Primer
With testing protocols set every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, SCRAM CAM is a primary monitoring method in 24/7 Sobriety Programs.
Legislative Toolkit
Information for officials and states considering a 24/7 Sobriety Program to address repeat drunk driving and alcohol-related crime.
Research and Studies
Researchers around the country are examining the outcomes of frequent alcohol monitoring with swift and certain sanctions for violations.
Elements and Best Practices
Created by the National 24/7 Sobriety Advisory Council, this document outlines the elements, best practices, and components of the 24/7 Sobriety concept.
Program Implementation Guide
This document pulls together sample forms and guidelines from the country’s leading programs to assist jurisdictions that are interested in introducing a 24/7 Sobriety Program.
Monitoring Program Management Software
SCRAM 24/7
Built specifically to manage alcohol and drug monitoring program caseloads and workflows, SCRAM 24/7 brings together 24/7 Sobriety Program clients and testing methods into a single platform.
Our software makes it easy for case managers to record and track test results, assign and document sanctions, and securely log payment information through a unified database accessible by all program sites and agencies. Insight also provides dynamic analytics and reporting tools to assess program and client progress.

SCRAM has proven to be a vital supplement to the South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Project. It offers an effective testing alternative, particularly for clients who live a significant distance from testing centers or are challenged to balance their work schedules with required testing schedules.
– Larry Long, Former South Dakota Attorney General
Explore More
24/7 Sobriety Project Resources
Can a criminal justice alcohol abstention programme with swift, certain, and modest sanctions (24/7 Sobriety) reduce population mortality?
The Lancet Psychiatry | March 2016
Assessment of the 24/7 Sobriety Program in North Dakota: Participant Behavior During Enrollment
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, North Dakota State University | March 2015
The Effect of Montana’s 24/7 Sobriety Program on DUI Re-arrest: Insights from a Natural Experiment with Limited Administrative Data
RAND Corporation | March 2015
Theory and Evidence on the Swift-Certain-Fair Approach to Enforcing Conditions of Community Supervision
RAND Corporation | September 2014
Efficacy of Frequent Monitoring With Swift, Certain, and Modest Sanctions for Violations: Insights From South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Project
American Journal of Public Health | January 2013
An Evaluation of Intensive Supervision Programs for Serious DWI Offenders
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | March 2011
Program Summaries
24/7 Sobriety Program Overview
RAND Corporation
Program Profile: South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Project
National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Program Statistics
South Dakota Office of the Attorney General
The South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Project: A Summary Report
South Dakota Attorney General’s Office, National Partnership on Alcohol Misuse and Crime, Institute for Behavior and Health
24/7 Sobriety Program Summary
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority