Intensive Monitoring Technology that Cultivates Long-Term Behavior Change
High-risk offenders, oftentimes undeterred by incarceration or fines, tend to have frequent encounters with law enforcement and pose significant risks to the community. These individuals commonly face longer periods of probation and parole and require intensive monitoring and longer-term supervision for true behavior modification.
Whether it’s a hardcore drunk driver, sex, or violent offender, the SCRAM Systems suite of alcohol and location monitoring devices, software, and mobile apps enable officers to make more informed decisions and create supervision plans that support client compliance and better outcomes. The use of electronic monitoring solutions that offer integrated analytics and reporting are invaluable tools that can help curb criminal recidivism while improving public safety.
Outcome-driven solutions that leverage technology can help curb criminal recidivism and improve community safety.
Applications for High-Risk Offender Caseloads
Hardcore Drunk Drivers
For high-risk, hardcore drunk drivers that find themselves in a DUI/DWI Court, SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring is the tool judges turn to in order to enforce the highest level of compliance while on the difficult road to recovery.
Repeat Alcohol Offenses
While two-thirds of those arrested for drunk driving will commit only one offense, the rest eventually re-offend. Continuous alcohol monitoring is also the only monitoring technology that has been empirically shown to support long-term behavior change—imperative to reducing recidivism.
Domestic Violence Caseloads
Domestic violence caseloads require balancing victim and community safety and appropriate supervision requirements. We offer flexible options in monitoring technology to support compliance with protective orders, substance abuse treatment, and to ensure physical separation from the victim.
Sex Offender Caseloads
When supervising sex offenders, ensuring victim safety is essential. With our full suite of monitoring solutions and software, officers can not only easily keep track of clients but support the safety and peace of mind for victims.
Mobile Client Engagement
For an added layer of supervision, SCRAM TouchPoint can be used in conjunction with electronic monitoring devices to provide additional client engagement and promote compliance so clients can successfully complete the terms of their supervision.
Evidence-Based Practices
Successful implementation of EBP into community corrections programs and treatment courts is effective at reducing criminal recidivism, but can be difficult to execute without technology. Our solutions allow departments to integrate EBP into existing programs for improved client outcomes.
of alcohol-involved traffic fatalities involve a driver with a BAC greater than .15
those convicted of DWI in jail or prison have repeat offenses
of convicted individuals abuse drugs or alcohol
Create a Customized Solution
Our alcohol monitoring, GPS location monitoring, and mobile client engagement options can be used to create the most appropriate supervision regimen for high-risk clients. Each SCRAM Systems monitoring technology communicates with our online software platforms to create a customized solution to further increase program efficiency and efficacy.
Client Monitoring Solutions
Options for High-Risk Clients



SCRAM Touchpoint
SCRAM Monitoring Services
This is where it all comes together. With a variety of value-add services available, we help courts and agencies efficiently and effectively manage client compliance and increase program effectiveness while supporting community supervision.
We were able to tell the community, ‘Yes they may be out of jail, but we are able to track them.’ That gave peace of mind to parents, teachers, and staff. This was a great GPS success story for us.
Sheriff Steve Holton, Ravalli County, MT
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