Hardcore Drunk Drivers Need a Hardcore Solution
Hardcore Drunk Drivers (HCDDs), or High-Risk Impaired Drivers, are among the most dangerous drivers on the road. These alcohol-dependent drivers drink and drive again and again, repeatedly putting their own and others’ lives at risk. Helping them obtain recovery is even more challenging because HCDDs are highly resistant to behavioral change despite previous sanctions, treatment, or education.
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring
Like a breathalyzer for the ankle, the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) bracelet provides 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing for hardcore drunk drivers and high-risk individuals. By automatically sampling the wearer’s perspiration every 30 minutes, the SCRAM CAM bracelet eliminates testing gaps and promotes accountability.
SCRAM CAM is the hardcore solution that is proven to support long-term behavior change and provides wearers with the support they need while increasing community safety.
[Video] Compliance, Accountability, and Assessment
10 Reasons Why SCRAM CAM is the Hardcore Solution
Take the Challenge: How maNy reasons apply to your alcohol monitoring program?

No Missed Tests

Confidence in Test Results

Rigorous Data Analysis

Court Admissible & Validated Results

Court Support

Anti-Tamper Technology

Supports Long-Term Behavior Change

Optional House Arrest

More productive alternative to jail

No urine or in-person testing needed
Who is the Hardcore Drunk Driver?
Common Characteristics
Arrest and Sentencing Record
- A driver with multiple DUI arrests and convictions (1/3 of all drivers arrested and adjudicated are repeat offences)
- A driver with a high BAC (.15 or above) at the time of arrest
- A driver with more than 7 DUI convictions on average
Resistant Behavior
- Drives frequently (at least once a month) with a .15 BAC or above
- Is highly resistant to behavioral change despite previous sanctions, treatment, or education
- Has a personal history of alcohol abuse or dependence
- Is more likely to have family members who drive drunk and model that behavior
- Believes they can drive safely after consuming large quantities of alcohol
Societal Impact
- Drivers who report driving drunk a “few times” per month. Some report driving drunk every day.
- Are responsible for 2 out of 3 alcohol-related fatalities
- Drive drunk an average of 90 times before their first DUI arrest.

Ready to see SCRAM CAM in action? Schedule a demo today!
Contact UsAdditional Resources
Applying SCRAM CAM to HCDDs
- Dare to Compare: Not all testing method are created equal
- Download SCRAM CAM Case Study E-Books
- Hardcore Drunk Driver Policy Brief
Helpful Links from Responsibility.org
- Hardcore Drunk Driving Community Supervision Guide
- 2017 State of Drunk Driving Fatalities in America
- Practitioner Resources
- State Facts – map of the latest drunk driving facts and laws by state
- State of Drunk Driving Fatalities – summary of drunk driving fatalities in the U.S.