Many tribal communities struggle with high rates of alcohol misuse, alcohol-related deaths, and alcohol-fueled offenses like drunk driving and domestic violence. SCRAM Systems alcohol and location monitoring are proven solutions helping tribal communities around the country combat alcohol abuse, support treatment options, and address related crimes.
In 2012, 98% of criminal cases for the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation were tied to alcohol or drugs. To turn the tide on alcohol-related crime, in 2012 the Lower Brule Tribal Court began using SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM). Judge Lorrie Miner notes, “In a single year, more than half of my SCRAM clients were on the system in lieu of jail, for 15,222 days of suspended jail time. The cost savings to BIA Corrections was nearly $1.3 million dollars. In one year. SCRAM works!”
Tribal governments can obtain funding for monitoring technologies through the FY2015 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). SCRAM Systems has developed resources to assist tribal governments with their CTAS application. These materials include:
- Sample CTAS application text for alcohol and location monitoring technologies (CLOSED)
- Case Study: Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Court program Targets Repeat Alcohol Clients
- Additional tribal court statistics and resources
The CTAS application due date is February 24. (CLOSED)