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Reducing the Noise: Automation Helps Community Corrections Manage More with Less

Product: SCRAM Nexus

As jail depopulation continues to move inmates into community corrections programs, the demand has increased for these departments to effectively manage more clients with the same resources. Officers need smarter tools to navigate larger workloads and give clients the best opportunity to succeed in order to deliver on the promise that core corrections practices can impact recidivism.

One-Stop Shop: Technology That Supports Officers

With so many pieces to individualized client supervision—drug testing, field visits, counseling, and more—officers can easily become overwhelmed with managing large and diverse caseloads. Criminal recidivism may become a distant goal as they spend most of their time responding to emails, returning calls, and tracking down paperwork and client information on a daily basis. Officers need tools to reduce the noise of increasing workloads and time-consuming administrative tasks so they can focus time and resources on the highest priorities.

The SCRAM Nexus® decision support software platform can help officers efficiently manage their workload and help deliver evidence-based practices (EBP) to the right client at the right time. Nexus provides a completely integrated experience for officers—making all aspects of supervision actionable, so officers can create more meaningful interactions with their clients and help keep them accountable.

Officers can view daily priorities and identify immediate action items.
Officers can view daily priorities and identify immediate action items
on the Officer Workload page

With Nexus, officers have a case management assistant instead of a documentation system that offers little insight. Meaningful modules track client engagements and provide actionable progress updates—acting as a “one-stop shop” for all personnel involved in a client’s case. This dramatically decreases the administrative time spent searching for relevant updates through emails and voice messages while also cutting the responsibility to document this data into disparate case management systems. Nexus does it all, automatically, through dynamic integration and a provider treatment portal.

The client dashboard makes it easy for officers to view client data and information, including a client summary, case planning, and metrics.
The Client Dashboard makes it easy for officers to view client data and information, including a client summary, case planning, and metrics.

A Clear Roadmap is Integral to Client Success

When departments’ resources are being stretched, supervising officers and leadership are faced with the need to focus resources and staff time for high-risk/high-need populations. Because these clients often require more services and increased contact, it’s critical that supervision plans utilize EBP and have clear criteria for when they are eligible for a decrease in supervision level.

As client success is established and they become eligible for lower supervision, Nexus helps guide this transition, ensuring that clients aren’t stuck in contact standards that no longer match their risk and need level. The platform also helps reduce bias from case management decisions by providing a clear timeline of a client’s successes or violations, guiding officers as they move clients through the goals of their supervision plan. The concrete data that Nexus provides ensures that clients are supervised at the level they should be, further assisting officers with efficient caseload management.

The Client Metrics tab gives officers insight into how a client is performing with assigned activities.
The Client Metrics tab gives officers insight into how a client is performing
with assigned activities.

With SCRAM Nexus, officers can more easily manage day-to-day tasks—supporting tailored and individual supervision and conversations with each client. Community corrections programs across the country are finding improved program and client success by adopting this advanced and groundbreaking technology.

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The SCRAM Systems blog provides news and updates about our suite of software and electronic monitoring products for criminal justice. Since 2003, SCRAM Systems has offered technologies that truly Make a Difference for clients and communities. Led by the success of our flagship SCRAM CAM product, SCRAM Systems delivers innovative software and technology solutions that are on the forefront of what courts, agencies, and treatment providers need.