Ken Denton
Chief Legislative & Regulatory Officer

Ken is well known across the ignition interlock and breath alcohol testing community for his leadership, creative thinking, and ability to communicate effectively with administrative rule and legislative authors. Prior to the SCRAM Systems merger with LifeSafer in 2021, Ken served as the VP of Regulatory Compliance for LifeSafer for almost six years.
Before joining LifeSafer, he served for 25 years with the Washington State Patrol (WSP) where he retired as a sergeant. During his time with the WSP, Ken worked in King County removing impaired drivers from the roadways. He moved into the evidential breath alcohol testing role where he maintained and calibrated legal records for all breath alcohol instruments used in the state of Washington. He was then promoted to Manager of the Breath Test Program and helped lead it to become the 4th evidential breath test lab to obtain and maintain an ISO 17025 accreditation in the U.S.
While with the WSP, Ken was tasked with managing the Ignition Interlock Oversight Program and helped define the legislation and rules that are often referred to as model rules around the country. He was a board member and Vice President for the Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators (AIIPA) from 2012-2015, helping develop best practices for interlock programs across the country.