Sober Days for the Holidays
DUI Resource Center
Each year, winter holiday and New Year’s Eve celebrations ring in a dramatic increase in DUI offenses, binge drinking, and other alcohol-related issues. And despite the Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays falling during the week this year, the risks of increased drinking and driving are still high.
- From 2017 – 2021 during the December, there were over 4,500 people killed in alcohol-impaired crashes. In December 2021 alone, 1,013 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes.
- During the Christmas and New Year’s Eve periods in 2019, there were 210 drunk driving-related fatalities (NHTSA)
- New Year’s Day is one of the most dangerous holidays of the year, with a 129% increase in drunk driving-related deaths compared to other days of the year (NHTSA, USDOT)
- Because the Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays fall on weekends this year, drunk driving fatalities are expected to increase
Holiday stressors of grief and loss, family and work pressures, and finances can make staying sober even harder. Give the gift of awareness and share these resources with your community. Together, let’s Celebrate Sobriety and make a happy and safe holiday season!

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Right-click and save the images and pair them with our sample social post copy to help Celebrate Sobriety and spread the word
on holiday drinking and driving.

Sample Social Post Copy
This holiday season, let’s Celebrate Sobriety! Join us in celebrating all who are in recovery and on the road to continued sobriety and support them along the way. We are thankful for your hard work and progress on your journey! #CelebrateSobriety #MakingADifference
This holiday season, we want to Celebrate Sobriety! How can you support your loved ones—or yourself—on your sobriety journey? #CelebrateSobriety #MakingADifference
This holiday season, Celebrate Sobriety! Be part of the solution by ensuring the safety of your loved ones and community by driving sober. Even ONE drink is too many. #CelebrateSobriety #MakingADifference
Celebrate Sobriety Social Images

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SCRAM CAM Programs Are Making a Difference
Giving the Gift of Hope
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring is helping communities across the U.S. address alcohol-impaired driving during the holidays. Family and financial stressors and holiday celebrations create temptations and pressure for clients to drink. Alcohol monitoring can be a key factor in helping these clients get to a new year sober and compliant. In fact, 92% of high-risk DUI clients said 24/7 alcohol monitoring helped them stay sober during the holidays.
Learn more about how SCRAM CAM is driving compliance, accountability, and assessment in drunk and impaired driving programs nationwide.

If it weren’t for SCRAM CAM, I’d be in jail and/or still drinking.
SCRAM CAM Participant
It has helped keep me sober for almost a year. Lifesaver!
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock Help Keep Roads Safe
During the Holiday Season

Supporting Sobriety
With the pressures and triggers of the holidays, some drivers need a little extra help during, that’s where LifeSafer Ignition Interlock devices come in. As the smallest and most discreet IID on the market, users can drive with confidence and stay on the path of sobriety.
For over 1.5 million drivers and even more miles, LifeSafer has successfully helped drivers get back on the road quickly and safely.