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SCRAM Systems products and solutions provide alcohol monitoring and location monitoring solutions for community corrections and evidence-based practices.



How SCRAM Systems is using cutting-edge technology to decrease alcohol misuse


SCRAM Nexus Evolves into a Dynamic Case Management System

With an extended set of features, SCRAM Nexus® has moved beyond the traditional case management system. Now SCRAM Nexus® Case, the software focuses on the outcomes of the client while ensuring supervision and compliance. Built on evidence-based practices (EBP) and existing departmental policies, Nexus Case is an interactive case management system for treatment courts, community corrections, and probation and pretrial agencies.

Product: SCRAM Nexus

A Deeper Look at Disparity and How to Overcome It with Analytics

Community corrections departments are adopting and applying evidence-based practices (EBP) into their day-to-day supervision tasks and experiencing positive results. But with a lack of data and analytics, how can departments know if all clients are being treated equally? The SCRAM Nexus® software platform provides powerful analytics allowing supervision officers to measure potential disparity and examine if implicit bias is affecting outcomes.

Product: SCRAM Nexus

Riverside Acquires Leading Provider of Electronic-Monitoring Solutions


How Can Community Corrections Achieve Behavior Change More Efficiently?

The policy landscape for community corrections is rapidly changing. Supervision officers are being pressured to do their jobs faster, more efficiently, more effectively, and with fewer resources in order to keep up and adhere to new policies and policy changes. But how can corrections departments achieve this, all while implementing evidence-based practices into day-to-day decision making?

Product: SCRAM Nexus

Reducing the Noise: Automation Helps Community Corrections Manage More with Less

As jail depopulation continues to move inmates into community corrections programs, the demand has increased for these departments to effectively manage more clients with the same resources. Officers need smarter tools to navigate larger workloads and give clients the best opportunity to succeed in order to deliver on the promise that core corrections practices can impact recidivism.

Product: SCRAM Nexus

[Case Study] SCRAM TouchPoint® Helps Columbia County Supervise Clients During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Columbia County Probation Department supervises justice-involved individuals through drug and alcohol testing, referring them for counseling and treatment, and maintaining a close view of how well clients are complying with court-ordered probation. This mission, combined with the intrinsic challenges faced by members of the community, is what led the department to implement the latest technology to successfully accomplish the task.

Woman working at desk with SCRAM Nexus

Critical Efficiencies in Client Intake and Supervision Plan Assignment for Diverse Caseloads

Modern-day community supervision faces constant challenges—budget constraints, increasing officer responsibility, growing caseloads, and more. New technology is helping combat these challenges to make officers’ day-to-day tasks easier and more efficient and help probation and parole departments effectively integrate evidence-based practices (EBP) into existing policies and procedures to help clients succeed.

Product: SCRAM Nexus
Construction Man With Phone
Case Study

Columbia County Probation Finds Success with Mobile Supervision During a Pandemic and Beyond

Program Overview  Nestled between the Hudson River to the west and Massachusetts to the east, sits the small rural community of Columbia County, New York. Local farms span the landscape and provide the area with fresh meat, eggs, herbs, and produce. Many of the 60,000 residents are employed in blue-collar professions in the construction, retail, …

SCRAM Nexus Analytics

Analyze and Enhance Program Performance Using SCRAM Nexus®

Community corrections agencies gather a considerable amount of information on their clients and the services that they provide, but rarely is that information cultivated to evaluate program effectiveness. With so much data, corrections departments struggle to identify and implement changes to program models. SCRAM Nexus’ powerful analytics give officers the information they need to make data-driven decisions that increase program and client success.

Product: SCRAM Nexus